In English:
On Belt and Road Initiative
Yang, A. Xiao (2024). Belt and Road: The First Decade. International Affairs.100 (1), 433-434
Yang, A. Xiao. (2021). The Belt Road and Beyond State-Mobilized Globalization in China: 1998–2018. The China Journal. (85) 206-208.
Yang, A. Xiao. (2021). One Road, Many Dreams: China's Bold Plan to Remake the Global Economy. The International Journal. (1) 173-175.
On Chinese International Relations Theories
Yang, A. Xiao. (2021). A Theory of Balance of Relationships: Improvised Relationality, Imagined Resemblance, and Bilateral Stability. International Studies Review. 23 (3), 1012-1014.
Yang, A. Xiao. (2021). Redefining A Philosophy for World Governance. The Journal of Chinese Governance.
Yang, A. Xiao. (2020). Leadership and the Rise of Great Powers. Journal of Chinese Political Science. 25(1) 161-163.
Yang, A. Xiao. (2019). A Relational Theory of World Politics. Journal of China and International Relations.7(1) 111-113.
On Global Order
Yang, A. Xiao. (2019). “Theorizing the BRICS: Does the BRICS Challenge the Current Global Order?”
in Xing Li (Eds), The International Political Economy of BRICS. New York: Routledge, 37-56.
On Social Evolution Theory
Yang, A. Xiao. (2021). On Social Evolution: Phenomenon and Paradigm. International Affairs, 97(5), 1622–1624.
On Racism
Luo, Zhifan, Yang, X. Alvin. Li, Muyang. (2024). Breaking Borders, Bridging Fields: Unveiling the Transculturality of Anti-Asian Racism in a Global Context. Sociological Inquiry. 94 (2), 319-329.
Luo, Zhifan, Yang, X. Alvin and Li, Muyang. (2024).Transculturality of Anti-Asian Racism. Sociological Inquiry. 94 (2), 315-523.
In Chinese:
On Southeast Asia
Zhang, Fan and Yang, A. Xiao. (2020). 尼加拉体系-理解东南亚国际关系的新视角 [A Negara System: A New Theoretical Perspective on International Relations in Southeast Asia]. 世界经济与政治 [World Economics and Politics]. (11) 89-116.
On Chinese International Relations Theories
Yang, Xiao. (2019). 对三种新兴中国国关理论的反思: 理论创新与未来发展 [Reflection on Three Emerging Chinese International Relations Theories: Theoretical Innovation and Future Development]. 国际关系研究 [Journal of International Relations].7 (4) 83-93.
On the Belt and Road Initiative
Yang, A. Xiao. (2020). 迈向批判性演化的视角: 以“一带一路”倡议为例 [Toward A Critical Evolutionary Perspective: The Belt and Road Initiative as a Case]. 南大亚太评论 [The Nanjing University Asia Pacific Review]. (3), 209-238.
Mostly, I write in English. Occasionally, I also write in Chinese, French and German. My current publications primarily focus on the global economy and international relations. I especially pay attention to cultural and civilizational dimensions that shape the practices of economics and international relations.
Many people told me that my unpublished works in other fields are much more thrilling. For example, my work on the transformation of romantic love, salsa and world music in Toronto, the transformation of higher education, and comparisons of classical Chinese and Indian music. I agree. I will slowly publish these works when I have more time and energy.
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